Exana: An Application Profiling and Optimization Infrastructure for Accelerating Systems with Deeper Memory Hierarchy

Here, we proudly announce that Exana (LCCT, LCCT+M and MemPat) is now open for public use via GitHub.
Please download from the follwoing link:

   Exana: EXecution-driven Application aNAlysis tool

   Copyright (C)   2014-2016,   Yukinori Sato
   All Rights Reserved. 


1. Details of Exana

Please read the following papers:

2. Note:

If you write papers that use Exana's analysis results, please cite some of the above papers.

If you find bugs, or have some comments/requests, please send email to: Email:    yukinori@cs
            Please append ".tut.ac.jp" to the end of the address above.

2. Gallery

A snapshot of our visualization tool "vizLcctm".

A LCCT representation for an execution of Himeno Benchmark.

A LCCT+M representation for an execution of Himeno Benchmark.

Current development status

We are developing further for Exana tool (cacheSim). These will be open for public use.

Video for current Exana (cacheSim) and ExanaVeiw tool set:

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